My Experience Flowing from Yoga for Flexibility to Hot 26
By Denica Vega
The Struggle of Finding Time to Practice
As a yoga teacher, finding time for my personal practice can be challenging. The
daily grind of work and life often leaves little room for your own yoga routine.
Despite these challenges, I have found that carving out just a few minutes each day
for my own practice can make a huge difference in my physical and mental well-being.
Whether its a few sun salutations in the morning or a two restorative poses before bed,
these small moments of self-care help me recharge and stay grounded.
But what if you had more than a few minutes each day? Or more than an hour?
Last Monday, I had 2 and a half hours all to myself. I didn’t have to be anywhere, for anyone, at any certain time. After quickly checking the schedule, I could make it in time for:
● Yoga for Flexibility (a lighthearted class with classic rock jams that I’ve gone to
several times)
● Hot 26 (a powerful hot yoga class that I have never tried before).
And I went to both!
Yoga for Flexibility
Achieving flexibility in the body requires time and dedication. It's important to target
the muscles correctly and safely with consistency.
Fortunately, Yoga for Flexibility offers:
● deep stretches
● self-myofascial release techniques
● prop assists from straps, blocks, and lacrosse balls
Whether you're feeling bendy or stiff as a board, you will leave this class feeling
open and relaxed.
Hot 26
With the way the mainstream media has portrayed hot classes, I always avoided
them. I used to think that hot yoga was only for super fit, super flexible, and super
confident people. I was intimidated, and I convinced myself that I would struggle to
keep up with others. After speaking with the teacher directly, I decided to give it a try.
Hot 26 (also known as Bikram yoga) normally 90 minutes and consisting of:
● 26 postures
○ including balancing, floor work and backbends (no sun salutations here)
● 2 breathing techniques
The instructor, Neil RYT-500, will guide you into a meditative Savasana (final resting
pose) to cool you down before heading home.
Heated yoga is a fantastic way to rapidly warm up the muscles and condition the
body, leading to improvements in endurance, and flexibility. Though, this does leave
opportunity for injury and to push past your edge (the most optimal, mindful stretch
without pain or strain). The focus that is cultivated during class can assist your body
Pairing Classes
Flowing from Yoga for Flexibility and straight into Hot 26 left me in yogic bliss and
allowed me to move with complete mindfulness.
If you have the time, and crave a challenge try out these classes on Monday at 4:00
p.m. (Yoga for Flexibility with Vanessa) and 5:30 p.m. (Hot 26 with Neil).
You don’t have to pair only physically demanding practices, and I’m not saying that
everyone needs to try a heated class or that this is the only way to
Go with the flow then feel renewed with Tuesday Movement (with Lauren) at 4:15
p.m. and Relax, Refresh, Restore (with Lauren) at 5:30 p.m.
On Wednesday, come into your potential with Power Yoga (with Lauren) at 5:30
p.m. or enjoy an easygoing class in Yoga for EveryBODY (with Tara) at 5:30 p.m.
then end the night with an empowering Restorative (with Vanessa) practice at 6:45
Have a joyful experience in Yoga for EveryBODY (with Heidi) at 4:00 p.m. on
Thursday then recover from the week with Yin Yoga and Sound Healing (with
Dana) at 5:30 p.m.
Make it easy to take multiple classes with the most popular: Monthly Unlimited offer at
Not sure how often you will be in? Pay per class at just $17 for adults and $10 for those under 18.
Get In Touch
Need more ways to stir up your practice? Ask a teacher about a class you would like to
try! Or check out our events!
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